Justify, needless to say, has renewed my mission to champion Canadian-bred horses. His lineage is brimming with some of the very best Thoroughbreds this country has produced. And a lot of them: Nearctic, Northern Dancer, Flaming Page, Nijinsky, Windfields, Victoriana, Vice Regent, Iribelle, Bunty Lawless, Ladder, Mintwina, Bunty’s Flight, Mint Copy, Storm Bird, Awesome Again, and Deputy Minister.

Windfields equine royalty
British Triple Crown 1970
One of the things that distinguish our horses is their toughness and resilience. Let’s face it, with our weather they have to be and I am reminded of the time, all those years ago, when Eddie Taylor set out to breed great champion Thoroughbreds. His Kentucky friends advised him that with all that ice and snow he was on a fool’s mission. Thoroughbreds, they assured him, are accustomed to temperate climates. In their opinion he might as well be attempting to breed and raise Thoroughbreds on an ice floe.
Yet as with our horses, Eddie Taylor was tough and resilient. His passion for horses was unrivaled. Prior to Taylor, Joseph Seagram met with the same skepticism. Yet, he too, shrugged off the naysayers. Year after year, both men set out to purchase the finest blueblood mares Britain had to offer. Today, Seagram and Taylor mares provide the bedrock for Canada’s Rivers of Gold and solid foundation for exceptional animals like Justify.